import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
# Load data from the csv file
df = pd.read_csv('stock_data.csv', index_col=None)
# Understand your variables
variables = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Variable','Number of unique values','Values'])
for i, var in enumerate(df.columns):
variables.loc[i] = [var, df[var].nunique(), df[var].unique().tolist()]
# Join with the variables dataframe
var_dict = pd.read_csv('variable_explanation.csv', index_col=0)
Number of unique values | Values | Explanation | |
Variable | |||
Index | 13 | [HSI, NYA, IXIC, 000001.SS, N225, N100, 399001... | Ticker symbol for indexes |
Date | 14657 | [1986-12-31, 1987-01-02, 1987-01-05, 1987-01-0... | Date of observation |
Open | 96716 | [2568.300049, 2540.100098, 2552.399902, 2583.8... | Opening price |
High | 96830 | [2568.300049, 2540.100098, 2552.399902, 2583.8... | Highest price during trading day |
Low | 96663 | [2568.300049, 2540.100098, 2552.399902, 2583.8... | Lowest price during trading day |
Close | 96764 | [2568.300049, 2540.100098, 2552.399902, 2583.8... | Close price |
Adj Close | 97602 | [2568.300049, 2540.100098, 2552.399902, 2583.8... | Closing price adjusted for dividends and stock... |
Volume | 50561 | [0.0, 257038800.0, 134407800.0, 195057600.0, 1... | Number of shares traded during trading day |
CloseUSD | 99179 | [333.87900637, 330.21301274, 331.81198726, 335... | Close price in terms of USD |
# descriptive statistics
Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | |
count | 104224.000000 | 104224.000000 | 104224.000000 | 104224.000000 | 104224.000000 | 1.042240e+05 | 104224.000000 |
mean | 8015.353334 | 8063.324234 | 7962.581120 | 8014.366642 | 8014.161269 | 1.347646e+09 | 3046.729177 |
std | 9140.563404 | 9196.575802 | 9082.767802 | 9140.609758 | 9140.720456 | 4.427662e+09 | 3747.865623 |
min | 54.869999 | 54.869999 | 54.869999 | 54.869999 | 54.869999 | 0.000000e+00 | 10.204900 |
25% | 2046.887756 | 2057.213990 | 2037.185943 | 2047.506470 | 2047.358490 | 0.000000e+00 | 320.460898 |
50% | 5772.140137 | 5812.764892 | 5725.199951 | 5773.710205 | 5773.710205 | 9.529000e+05 | 1371.598486 |
75% | 10487.377445 | 10552.179690 | 10416.092287 | 10488.622560 | 10488.622560 | 2.064676e+08 | 4383.045241 |
max | 68775.062500 | 69403.750000 | 68516.992190 | 68775.062500 | 68775.062500 | 9.440374e+10 | 18934.376173 |
#checking first few rows of the data
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | |
0 | HSI | 1986-12-31 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 0.0 | 333.879006 |
1 | HSI | 1987-01-02 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 0.0 | 330.213013 |
2 | HSI | 1987-01-05 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 0.0 | 331.811987 |
3 | HSI | 1987-01-06 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 0.0 | 335.906987 |
4 | HSI | 1987-01-07 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 0.0 | 338.923013 |
5 | HSI | 1987-01-08 | 2603.300049 | 2603.300049 | 2603.300049 | 2603.300049 | 2603.300049 | 0.0 | 338.429006 |
6 | HSI | 1987-01-09 | 2561.699951 | 2561.699951 | 2561.699951 | 2561.699951 | 2561.699951 | 0.0 | 333.020994 |
7 | HSI | 1987-01-12 | 2614.899902 | 2614.899902 | 2614.899902 | 2614.899902 | 2614.899902 | 0.0 | 339.936987 |
8 | HSI | 1987-01-13 | 2590.800049 | 2590.800049 | 2590.800049 | 2590.800049 | 2590.800049 | 0.0 | 336.804006 |
9 | HSI | 1987-01-14 | 2578.199951 | 2578.199951 | 2578.199951 | 2578.199951 | 2578.199951 | 0.0 | 335.165994 |
#data types
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 104224 entries, 0 to 104223 Data columns (total 9 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Index 104224 non-null object 1 Date 104224 non-null object 2 Open 104224 non-null float64 3 High 104224 non-null float64 4 Low 104224 non-null float64 5 Close 104224 non-null float64 6 Adj Close 104224 non-null float64 7 Volume 104224 non-null float64 8 CloseUSD 104224 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(7), object(2) memory usage: 7.2+ MB
# converting Date from object type to Datetime type
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format = '%Y-%m-%d', errors='coerce')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 104224 entries, 0 to 104223 Data columns (total 9 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Index 104224 non-null object 1 Date 104224 non-null datetime64[ns] 2 Open 104224 non-null float64 3 High 104224 non-null float64 4 Low 104224 non-null float64 5 Close 104224 non-null float64 6 Adj Close 104224 non-null float64 7 Volume 104224 non-null float64 8 CloseUSD 104224 non-null float64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(7), object(1) memory usage: 7.2+ MB
#checking null values
Index 0 Date 0 Open 0 High 0 Low 0 Close 0 Adj Close 0 Volume 0 CloseUSD 0 dtype: int64
#checking for duplicates
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | |
40920 | N225 | 1965-01-05 | 1257.719971 | 1257.719971 | 1257.719971 | 1257.719971 | 1257.719971 | 0.0 | 12.577200 |
40921 | N225 | 1965-01-06 | 1263.989990 | 1263.989990 | 1263.989990 | 1263.989990 | 1263.989990 | 0.0 | 12.639900 |
40922 | N225 | 1965-01-07 | 1274.270020 | 1274.270020 | 1274.270020 | 1274.270020 | 1274.270020 | 0.0 | 12.742700 |
40923 | N225 | 1965-01-08 | 1286.430054 | 1286.430054 | 1286.430054 | 1286.430054 | 1286.430054 | 0.0 | 12.864301 |
40924 | N225 | 1965-01-12 | 1288.540039 | 1288.540039 | 1288.540039 | 1288.540039 | 1288.540039 | 0.0 | 12.885400 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
66026 | 399001.SZ | 2021-06-01 | 14963.950200 | 15039.019530 | 14820.740230 | 15034.780270 | 15034.780270 | 1515600.0 | 2405.564843 |
66027 | 399001.SZ | 2021-06-02 | 15044.940430 | 15051.209960 | 14793.740230 | 14857.910160 | 14857.910160 | 1470800.0 | 2377.265626 |
54792 | N225 | 2021-06-02 | 28730.810550 | 29003.550780 | 28565.830080 | 28946.140630 | 28946.140630 | 71000000.0 | 289.461406 |
60267 | N100 | 2021-06-02 | 1258.489990 | 1263.709961 | 1258.239990 | 1263.619995 | 1263.619995 | 148465000.0 | 1541.616394 |
54793 | N225 | 2021-06-03 | 28890.390630 | 29157.160160 | 28879.150390 | 29058.109380 | 29058.109380 | 0.0 | 290.581094 |
104224 rows × 9 columns
NYA 13947 N225 13874 IXIC 12690 GSPTSE 10526 HSI 8492 GDAXI 8438 SSMI 7671 TWII 5869 000001.SS 5791 399001.SZ 5760 N100 5474 NSEI 3346 J203.JO 2346 Name: Index, dtype: int64
The index names are not very intuitive, creating a dictionary to store their common name. This will involve doing some desktop reserch on the index ticker symbol to get to their common name
index_country = {'NYA':'New York Stock Exchange','N225':'Nikkei 225','IXIC':'Nasdaq','GSPTSE':'S&P TSX','HSI':'Heng Seng Index',\
'GDAXI':'Dax Performance Index','SSMI':'Swiss Market Index','TWII':'Taiwan Weighted Index','000001.SS':'Sanghai Stock Exchange',\
'399001.SZ':'Shenzen Component','N100':'Euronext 100','NSEI':'Nifty 50','J203.JO':'Johannesburg Index'}
{'NYA': 'New York Stock Exchange', 'N225': 'Nikkei 225', 'IXIC': 'Nasdaq', 'GSPTSE': 'S&P TSX', 'HSI': 'Heng Seng Index', 'GDAXI': 'Dax Performance Index', 'SSMI': 'Swiss Market Index', 'TWII': 'Taiwan Weighted Index', '000001.SS': 'Sanghai Stock Exchange', '399001.SZ': 'Shenzen Component', 'N100': 'Euronext 100', 'NSEI': 'Nifty 50', 'J203.JO': 'Johannesburg Index'}
Adding the common names to the data
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | Index_Name | |
0 | HSI | 1986-12-31 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 2568.300049 | 0.0 | 333.879006 | Heng Seng Index |
1 | HSI | 1987-01-02 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 2540.100098 | 0.0 | 330.213013 | Heng Seng Index |
2 | HSI | 1987-01-05 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 2552.399902 | 0.0 | 331.811987 | Heng Seng Index |
3 | HSI | 1987-01-06 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 2583.899902 | 0.0 | 335.906987 | Heng Seng Index |
4 | HSI | 1987-01-07 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 2607.100098 | 0.0 | 338.923013 | Heng Seng Index |
Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | ||
Index | Index_Name | |||||||
000001.SS | Sanghai Stock Exchange | 1.378958e+07 | 1.391069e+07 | 1.366066e+07 | 1.380035e+07 | 1.380035e+07 | 6.169757e+08 | 2.208057e+06 |
399001.SZ | Shenzen Component | 4.589764e+07 | 4.638474e+07 | 4.540050e+07 | 4.592927e+07 | 4.592885e+07 | 1.440156e+09 | 7.348683e+06 |
GDAXI | Dax Performance Index | 4.991540e+07 | 5.026467e+07 | 4.952871e+07 | 4.990948e+07 | 4.990948e+07 | 5.763478e+11 | 6.088956e+07 |
GSPTSE | S&P TSX | 8.516699e+07 | 8.555560e+07 | 8.471628e+07 | 8.515604e+07 | 8.513518e+07 | 1.012654e+14 | 7.067951e+07 |
HSI | Heng Seng Index | 1.291324e+08 | 1.299584e+08 | 1.281532e+08 | 1.290835e+08 | 1.290835e+08 | 7.158918e+12 | 1.678086e+07 |
IXIC | Nasdaq | 2.518999e+07 | 2.535526e+07 | 2.499910e+07 | 2.518847e+07 | 2.518847e+07 | 1.258249e+13 | 2.518847e+07 |
J203.JO | Johannesburg Index | 1.194037e+08 | 1.201627e+08 | 1.186836e+08 | 1.194371e+08 | 1.194371e+08 | 0.000000e+00 | 8.360596e+06 |
N100 | Euronext 100 | 4.501059e+06 | 4.525959e+06 | 4.473228e+06 | 4.500469e+06 | 4.500469e+06 | 1.071933e+12 | 5.490573e+06 |
N225 | Nikkei 225 | 1.783126e+08 | 1.792478e+08 | 1.772908e+08 | 1.782692e+08 | 1.782692e+08 | 5.516703e+11 | 1.782692e+06 |
NSEI | Nifty 50 | 2.564960e+07 | 2.580613e+07 | 2.544930e+07 | 2.563052e+07 | 2.563052e+07 | 6.125586e+08 | 2.563052e+05 |
NYA | New York Stock Exchange | 6.208895e+07 | 6.231850e+07 | 6.183674e+07 | 6.209448e+07 | 6.209448e+07 | 1.695349e+13 | 6.209448e+07 |
SSMI | Swiss Market Index | 4.917121e+07 | 4.946524e+07 | 4.886031e+07 | 4.916906e+07 | 4.916906e+07 | 2.797331e+11 | 5.457766e+07 |
TWII | Taiwan Weighted Index | 4.717304e+07 | 4.743621e+07 | 4.683968e+07 | 4.712142e+07 | 4.712129e+07 | 1.442196e+10 | 1.884857e+06 |
Adding a column that measure biggest movement in a day
Now that we have cleaned the data, let's plot a small multiple charts to have a glimpse of how various indices have performed over the years.
sns.relplot(x='Date',y='CloseUSD', kind ='line',data=df,col='Index_Name',col_wrap=3)
Clearly American stock market have outperformed others over the years. Nikkei and Nifty being the most flat. German (DAX) and Swiss market seems to follow similar trend as American Market
American_Market = df[df['Index'].isin(['GSPTSE','IXIC','NYA'])]
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | Index_Name | Movement | |
8492 | NYA | 1965-12-31 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 0.0 | 528.690002 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8493 | NYA | 1966-01-03 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 0.0 | 527.210022 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8494 | NYA | 1966-01-04 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 0.0 | 527.840027 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8495 | NYA | 1966-01-05 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 0.0 | 531.119995 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8496 | NYA | 1966-01-06 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 0.0 | 532.070007 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8497 | NYA | 1966-01-07 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 0.0 | 532.599976 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8498 | NYA | 1966-01-10 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 0.0 | 533.869995 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8499 | NYA | 1966-01-11 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 0.0 | 534.289978 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8500 | NYA | 1966-01-12 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 0.0 | 533.340027 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
8501 | NYA | 1966-01-13 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 0.0 | 534.400024 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 |
Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | Movement | |
Open | 1.000000 | 0.999969 | 0.999948 | 0.999927 | 0.999926 | 0.754776 | 0.991351 | 0.640938 |
High | 0.999969 | 1.000000 | 0.999923 | 0.999954 | 0.999954 | 0.755789 | 0.991397 | 0.644382 |
Low | 0.999948 | 0.999923 | 1.000000 | 0.999960 | 0.999960 | 0.753167 | 0.991391 | 0.634874 |
Close | 0.999927 | 0.999954 | 0.999960 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.754430 | 0.991450 | 0.639234 |
Adj Close | 0.999926 | 0.999954 | 0.999960 | 1.000000 | 1.000000 | 0.754458 | 0.991459 | 0.639249 |
Volume | 0.754776 | 0.755789 | 0.753167 | 0.754430 | 0.754458 | 1.000000 | 0.689776 | 0.645550 |
CloseUSD | 0.991351 | 0.991397 | 0.991391 | 0.991450 | 0.991459 | 0.689776 | 1.000000 | 0.634510 |
Movement | 0.640938 | 0.644382 | 0.634874 | 0.639234 | 0.639249 | 0.645550 | 0.634510 | 1.000000 |
All the datapoints are highly correlated,Volume and Movement being the least correlated datapoints
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | Index_Name | Movement | |
73385 | GSPTSE | 2008-10-14 | 10773.099610 | 10773.099610 | 9065.200195 | 9955.700195 | 9955.700195 | 3.946071e+10 | 8263.231162 | S&P TSX | 1707.899415 |
22134 | NYA | 2020-03-16 | 10851.980470 | 10851.980470 | 9559.230469 | 9567.530273 | 9567.530273 | 7.781540e+09 | 9567.530273 | New York Stock Exchange | 1292.750001 |
76257 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-25 | 12588.099610 | 13690.400390 | 12496.299810 | 13139.200200 | 13139.200200 | 5.531268e+10 | 10905.536166 | S&P TSX | 1194.100580 |
73380 | GSPTSE | 2008-10-06 | 10445.000000 | 10803.400390 | 9617.900391 | 10230.400390 | 10230.400390 | 3.984022e+10 | 8491.232324 | S&P TSX | 1185.499999 |
76248 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-12 | 13611.799810 | 13611.799810 | 12451.099610 | 12508.500000 | 12508.500000 | 6.783329e+10 | 10382.055000 | S&P TSX | 1160.700200 |
76252 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-18 | 12197.700200 | 12500.000000 | 11384.099610 | 11721.400390 | 11721.400390 | 5.894370e+10 | 9728.762324 | S&P TSX | 1115.900390 |
76249 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-13 | 13161.599610 | 13716.299810 | 12608.299810 | 13716.299810 | 13716.299810 | 6.693287e+10 | 11384.528842 | S&P TSX | 1108.000000 |
20577 | NYA | 2014-01-07 | 11315.370120 | 11334.650390 | 10309.040040 | 10327.330080 | 10327.330080 | 3.511750e+09 | 10327.330080 | New York Stock Exchange | 1025.610350 |
76250 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-16 | 12648.700200 | 12851.700200 | 11883.700200 | 12360.400390 | 12360.400390 | 5.256683e+10 | 10259.132324 | S&P TSX | 968.000000 |
73375 | GSPTSE | 2008-09-29 | 11987.099610 | 12126.000000 | 11171.299810 | 11285.099610 | 11285.099610 | 2.889537e+10 | 9366.632676 | S&P TSX | 954.700190 |
73383 | GSPTSE | 2008-10-09 | 10302.500000 | 10385.400390 | 9449.599609 | 9600.200195 | 9600.200195 | 3.047329e+10 | 7968.166162 | S&P TSX | 935.800781 |
76253 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-19 | 11657.299810 | 12294.400390 | 11361.299810 | 12170.500000 | 12170.500000 | 5.315863e+10 | 10101.515000 | S&P TSX | 933.100580 |
73419 | GSPTSE | 2008-12-01 | 8816.400391 | 9270.599609 | 8380.799805 | 8406.200195 | 8406.200195 | 2.931578e+10 | 6977.146162 | S&P TSX | 889.799804 |
76254 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-20 | 12335.700200 | 12670.799810 | 11809.400390 | 11851.799810 | 11851.799810 | 7.278903e+10 | 9836.993842 | S&P TSX | 861.399420 |
73369 | GSPTSE | 2008-09-19 | 12626.000000 | 12913.000000 | 12064.599610 | 12913.000000 | 12913.000000 | 5.797925e+10 | 10717.790000 | S&P TSX | 848.400390 |
73378 | GSPTSE | 2008-10-02 | 11513.900390 | 11714.500000 | 10900.500000 | 10900.500000 | 10900.500000 | 3.204920e+10 | 9047.415000 | S&P TSX | 814.000000 |
73388 | GSPTSE | 2008-10-17 | 9253.299805 | 9862.299805 | 9064.299805 | 9562.500000 | 9562.500000 | 2.850326e+10 | 7936.875000 | S&P TSX | 798.000000 |
76251 | GSPTSE | 2020-03-17 | 12525.299810 | 13114.500000 | 12322.700200 | 12685.200200 | 12685.200200 | 6.187452e+10 | 10528.716166 | S&P TSX | 791.799800 |
22133 | NYA | 2020-03-13 | 10445.440430 | 10851.750000 | 10060.349610 | 10851.740230 | 10851.740230 | 8.258670e+09 | 10851.740230 | New York Stock Exchange | 791.400390 |
73407 | GSPTSE | 2008-11-13 | 9013.700195 | 9352.799805 | 8572.400391 | 9352.799805 | 9352.799805 | 3.709325e+10 | 7762.823838 | S&P TSX | 780.399414 |
2008 recession and 2020 Covid 19 pandemic produced a few of the most volatile days in the stock market.Apart from these black swan events, do we have certain months or days of week generally where American Markets have high volatility?
American_Market.groupby(['Month'])['Movement'].mean().sort_values().plot(kind='barh',color ='green')
plt.ylabel('Average Movement')
plt.title('Most Volatile Intraday Swing Months')
March, October,January are top three most volatile swing months based on the difference between intraday high and low. June, December and July being least volatile. How about weeks?
American_Market.groupby(['weekday'])['Movement'].mean().sort_values().plot(kind='barh',color ='orange')
plt.ylabel('Average Movement')
plt.title('Most Volatile Intraday Swing Weekday')
Wednesday and Thursday are most volatile days of the week. (0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, 2 = Wednesday, 3= Thursday and 4 = Friday)
Calculating how many times market moved higher from it's previous day close.
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | Index_Name | Movement | Month | weekday | Shift | |
8492 | NYA | 1965-12-31 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 0.0 | 528.690002 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 12 | 4 | NaN |
8493 | NYA | 1966-01-03 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 0.0 | 527.210022 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 1.479980 |
8494 | NYA | 1966-01-04 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 0.0 | 527.840027 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 1 | -0.630005 |
8495 | NYA | 1966-01-05 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 0.0 | 531.119995 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 2 | -3.279968 |
8496 | NYA | 1966-01-06 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 0.0 | 532.070007 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 3 | -0.950012 |
8497 | NYA | 1966-01-07 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 532.599976 | 0.0 | 532.599976 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 4 | -0.529969 |
8498 | NYA | 1966-01-10 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 533.869995 | 0.0 | 533.869995 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | -1.270019 |
8499 | NYA | 1966-01-11 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 534.289978 | 0.0 | 534.289978 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 1 | -0.419983 |
8500 | NYA | 1966-01-12 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 533.340027 | 0.0 | 533.340027 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 2 | 0.949951 |
8501 | NYA | 1966-01-13 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 534.400024 | 0.0 | 534.400024 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 3 | -1.059997 |
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | Index_Name | Movement | Month | weekday | Shift | |
22436 | NYA | 2021-05-26 | 16390.18945 | 16466.33984 | 16388.32031 | 16451.96094 | 16451.96094 | 3.674490e+09 | 16451.960940 | New York Stock Exchange | 78.01953 | 5 | 2 | -213.758264 |
35126 | IXIC | 2021-05-26 | 13693.94043 | 13750.16016 | 13679.58984 | 13738.00000 | 13738.00000 | 4.231140e+09 | 13738.000000 | Nasdaq | 70.57032 | 5 | 2 | 2713.960940 |
76550 | GSPTSE | 2021-05-26 | 19654.19922 | 19763.69922 | 19634.59961 | 19745.50000 | 19745.50000 | 2.281863e+10 | 16388.765000 | S&P TSX | 129.09961 | 5 | 2 | -2650.765000 |
76551 | GSPTSE | 2021-05-27 | 19768.09961 | 19835.30078 | 19752.50000 | 19774.40039 | 19774.40039 | 4.650791e+10 | 16412.752324 | S&P TSX | 82.80078 | 5 | 3 | -23.987324 |
35127 | IXIC | 2021-05-27 | 13742.58984 | 13776.51953 | 13701.62988 | 13736.28027 | 13736.28027 | 5.057550e+09 | 13736.280270 | Nasdaq | 74.88965 | 5 | 3 | 2676.472054 |
22437 | NYA | 2021-05-27 | 16451.96094 | 16546.35938 | 16451.96094 | 16531.94922 | 16531.94922 | 5.201110e+09 | 16531.949220 | New York Stock Exchange | 94.39844 | 5 | 3 | -2795.668950 |
22438 | NYA | 2021-05-28 | 16531.94922 | 16588.68945 | 16531.94922 | 16555.66016 | 16555.66016 | 4.199270e+09 | 16555.660160 | New York Stock Exchange | 56.74023 | 5 | 4 | -23.710940 |
76552 | GSPTSE | 2021-05-28 | 19876.50000 | 19904.80078 | 19841.00000 | 19852.19922 | 19852.19922 | 2.270018e+10 | 16477.325353 | S&P TSX | 63.80078 | 5 | 4 | 78.334807 |
35128 | IXIC | 2021-05-28 | 13792.04981 | 13820.87012 | 13747.61035 | 13748.74023 | 13748.74023 | 4.435220e+09 | 13748.740230 | Nasdaq | 73.25977 | 5 | 4 | 2728.585123 |
76553 | GSPTSE | 2021-05-31 | 19905.80078 | 19909.59961 | 19705.80078 | 19731.00000 | 19731.00000 | 1.022570e+10 | 16376.730000 | S&P TSX | 203.79883 | 5 | 0 | -2627.989770 |
American_Market['Up'].value_counts(normalize =True)
False 0.50588 True 0.49412 Name: Up, dtype: float64
Markets have gone up the next day only 49.41% of the times vs it has gone down 50.59% of the times the next day
weekday | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Up | |||||
False | 0.492787 | 0.500921 | 0.511512 | 0.506658 | 0.516718 |
True | 0.507213 | 0.499079 | 0.488488 | 0.493342 | 0.483282 |
By a very small percentage only on Monday market goes vs how it closed the previous Friday.
Month | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Up | ||||||||||||
False | 0.513741 | 0.503307 | 0.510429 | 0.50925 | 0.504295 | 0.504323 | 0.50677 | 0.496105 | 0.500335 | 0.503429 | 0.50612 | 0.51241 |
True | 0.486259 | 0.496693 | 0.489571 | 0.49075 | 0.495705 | 0.495677 | 0.49323 | 0.503895 | 0.499665 | 0.496571 | 0.49388 | 0.48759 |
Aggregation of number of UP days don't make much sense, but for kicks ang giggles we can see only August has more than 50% of such days.
ax.set(xlabel='Year',ylabel='Close - Open Market Valuation',title='Daily Movement')
Clearly stocks had wild movement in 2008 and 2020.
<Figure size 2880x4320 with 0 Axes>
Move_Up = American_Market[['Date','Daily_Delta','weekday','Month','Year']].nlargest(200,'Daily_Delta')
Move_down = American_Market[['Date','Daily_Delta','weekday','Month','Year']].nsmallest(200,'Daily_Delta')
biggest_moving_days = pd.concat([Move_Up,Move_down])
max 2021-05-19 min 1987-10-19 Name: Date, dtype: datetime64[ns]
Best day in US Stock market was in 2021-05-19 and worst day in 1987-10-19
level_0 | index | Daily_Delta | weekday | Month | Year | |
count | 400.000000 | 400.000000 | 400.000000 | 400.000000 | 400.000000 | 400.000000 |
mean | 99.500000 | 48227.777500 | -35.105848 | 1.877500 | 6.470000 | 2011.837500 |
std | 57.806609 | 25583.450538 | 337.945268 | 1.331136 | 3.505685 | 6.548152 |
min | 0.000000 | 18684.000000 | -1284.450197 | 0.000000 | 1.000000 | 1987.000000 |
25% | 49.750000 | 20060.500000 | -310.115112 | 1.000000 | 3.000000 | 2008.000000 |
50% | 99.500000 | 35091.500000 | -25.830566 | 2.000000 | 7.000000 | 2010.000000 |
75% | 149.250000 | 73443.000000 | 254.925110 | 3.000000 | 10.000000 | 2020.000000 |
max | 199.000000 | 76470.000000 | 696.830078 | 4.000000 | 12.000000 | 2021.000000 |
ax1.set(xlabel='400 Days when stock moved most',ylabel='Valuation Change',title='Wild Days')
For our model we will prepare the data in a way so that future close usd value is mapped to the current stock market activity. We will move the CloseUSD a row above and map it to the current activity of the stock
Index | Date | Open | High | Low | Close | Adj Close | Volume | CloseUSD | Index_Name | Movement | Month | weekday | Shift | Up | Daily_Delta | Year | Future | |
8492 | NYA | 1965-12-31 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 528.690002 | 0.0 | 528.690002 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 12 | 4 | NaN | False | 0.0 | 1965 | 527.210022 |
8493 | NYA | 1966-01-03 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 527.210022 | 0.0 | 527.210022 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 0 | 1.479980 | True | 0.0 | 1966 | 527.840027 |
8494 | NYA | 1966-01-04 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 527.840027 | 0.0 | 527.840027 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 1 | -0.630005 | False | 0.0 | 1966 | 531.119995 |
8495 | NYA | 1966-01-05 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 531.119995 | 0.0 | 531.119995 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 2 | -3.279968 | False | 0.0 | 1966 | 532.070007 |
8496 | NYA | 1966-01-06 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 532.070007 | 0.0 | 532.070007 | New York Stock Exchange | 0.0 | 1 | 3 | -0.950012 | False | 0.0 | 1966 | 532.599976 |
index | Volume | Future | Daily_Delta | Movement | |
0 | 8492 | 0.0 | 527.210022 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
1 | 8493 | 0.0 | 527.840027 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
2 | 8494 | 0.0 | 531.119995 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
3 | 8495 | 0.0 | 532.070007 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
4 | 8496 | 0.0 | 532.599976 | 0.0 | 0.0 |
X_Scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X)
X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test =train_test_split(X_Scaled,y,test_size=0.3,random_state=45)
array([ 3130.18785743, 3283.05967918, 5314.95715107, ..., 14304.92896477, 2491.83491531, 3096.13461409])
r_squared = r2_score(y_test,y_pred)
Model we got is not good at all. Which does make sense as predicting market movement is a near impossible task
US indices have outperformed most other indices of the world. With some wild days in 2008 and 2020. Worst day in stock market was October 19, 1987, crash, also called the black Monday. Intraday volatility is relatively higher for mid of week versus Monday or Friday. Summer and December have less intraday volatility. March being closer to Tax Day, have shown very high volatility. Monday is the only day in the week where market opened higher more than 50% of the times when compared to the previous day's valuation. But in general, most of the time it’s very close. All in all, there is not much of pattern on how stock market behaves, except understanding it behavior in a hindsight.
Disclaimer: This analysis is only for showcasing my data analysis skills. This shouldn't be taken as a financial advice.